Comment history with LittleMissSunshine
Displaying 1 - 20 of 49 comments
omgsh tung, i can finally say, i like your cb picture.
the fuck u talking about, don't make me take out my dick and whip you with it across the face
whut? i haven't even commented you this whole week..
well what if there was a little alcohol. what would we be doing then..;)
tung, you twist everything loll. we would be talking, like how we are now. hmm, what else would there be? nvm, don't answer that. haha
ain't twisting anything. but speaking the truff.
what would we be doing if we were alone in a room together?
no.. now your just twisting up everything i said. hahaha.
hahaha, it's a bad thing to like :P! everyone likes flirting, it's our dna. so i'm going to lie and say no.